♥ past .
♥ credits .
♥ whispery .
Friday, November 30, 2007
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10:37 AM
raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses
its sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses
and a few more of ur least favourite things
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10:34 AM
and the key is
to smile,not laff
comment,not talk
and of course,
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9:59 AM
You are 67% Virgo |
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9:05 AM
rmb wad i said abt being fickle
so i changed my mind abt things
my favourite sign is now virgo!maybe not favourite
2nd favourite.i stl like scorpio better
and the irony is that i havent met a virgo
maybe i did,but just didnt ask for their sign
and i have no idea why i suddenly like virgo
maybe i do and i know a lot of ppl say virgo de xing ge bu hao
leo ososo i dunno why i like them
ryro and it can he de lai with all the signs i want it to he de lai with
scorpio oso,thats why they are gd signs(:
and cos earth and water signs are very gd
cos all of the earth and water signs ppl are all those very nice ppl
Thursday, November 29, 2007
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4:14 PM
very nice song.even nicer singers.and i dun mean jolin
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3:49 PM
today shall officially be the day of interesting bus rides.(:
i took 156 to skoo to avoid all the ppl at NAP cos like 156 always very little de ppl
today nhhs bb team took the bus.like 20 over nh boys
which makes the bus very crowded and i hate crowded buses
and i saw cl
which basically is hiding behind another boys head
which is a very very stupid idea
and then when i alight that time
arnd 5 boys shouted bye bye
and waved when i got down
and no else was alighting
wonder if their playing dare or dare and then they got dared lor
-return journey-
and then at NAP very crowded lor
sim uni oso
and the 154 wasnt even double decker
which means everyone squeeeze
and then at a stop b4 clementi,
there seriously isnt space
and this guy wanted to get on the bus.
so he stood at the behind door and start shouting at the ppl
like "behind got devil issit?move behind lar *vulgarities*
so he got onto the bus
end of story(:
ok maybe my bus ride not so interesting.
Monday, November 26, 2007
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12:55 PM
it rained again.today and yesterday.so fun/ytd,me and yj went home frm hhls home that time raining and we shared this pathetically small umbrella.and oso the rain was slanted so,to make a long story short,we got drenched.completely.laffing and shaking the umbrella(me) and saying all the nengbunengrangyubuyaozaixiale and just very difficult to explain.but very fun.walking in the the rain(:
Saturday, November 24, 2007
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11:44 AM
i guess god works in the weirdest way.and thats why im so happyhappy ytd.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
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5:47 PM
and this yr rulang A* really a lot more
got 7 more than last yr
lucky number(:
depends on who's the lucky few
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5:47 PM
OMFG!the highest psle score this yr is294
and yes,i purposely made it small so its hard to see.
wad kind of freak gets 294 for psle?
6 marks away frm full marks?
this is fucking history for singapore
or maybe not but rulang highest score is 280.
hmmm,not bad
lesser than last yr but i bet the no. of ppl with 4 A* definitely more.
but then, i may be wrong
294!siao ar
oh and dun blame me if the highest score isnt 294,cos i heard this frm others
and others happen to be very informative.
294 is like arnd 30 marks higher than me?
make me feel so shi bai lor
but last yr we were quite gd
3 marks lower than highest score
but know its impossible
i mean,wad freak in nature wld get like 6 marks away frm full marks(no offense tho)
must be
seriously seriously smart
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3:06 PM
im becoming fat,definitely.
how can i not be fat when i eat mac 3 times a week.
not counting the other fast food i eat on weekends.
die le.
im gonna be overweight nxt yr.
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9:05 AM
psle results today.gd luck jnrs,especially to those who wanna go nus high.
h and j, i hope u guys get into rgs and the rest of the jnrs,well jy
come to ny must find me,ur nicenice snr(:
转眼间一年就这样过去了nxt yr i wont even be the one at the prize giving ceremony and the only way i can be there is if im a bloody piano genius which im not.
so byebye, i guess.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
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4:27 PM
dun feel like blogging much,not that anything fun happened.why bother to blog when u can watch taiwanese drama?but then now,i feel quite sick of them cos theres only 1 nice enuff to watch and the last 3 episodes are not out!arghhh.still need to wait 3 more weeks.1 episode every week.haiz...nvm,i shall entertain myself with 星光一班:D
and then bore myself to death.
anyone got any nicenice drama to watch?
but i super picky de hor.
i only like watch 1 out of every 10 dramas.
nice taiwanese drama?
Monday, November 19, 2007
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4:34 PM
i realised that i love love love taiwanese drama.ok maybe not all of them.but its an obsession.which i currently oso have on 快乐帮 and 星光一班.yeah the show is nice but majorly cos theres really really cute ppl.with really really nice voice.and i discovered that i like no. 2 more than 1.so sad now theres 星光二班le.which is just majorly girls and who even want to listen to girls fight among themselves for no. 1?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
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3:35 PM
i realised xy was rite.c did look hawt/shuai even tho shes a girl.her looks are not that kind of 有个性de shuai but just that kind of everyone look at her and think shes shuai.but then she looks cute when she smiles.
her looks are so wasted on a girl she looks like 金成武that takeshi wadeva guy.too bad i dun like him.
United we stand { freed on
2:43 PM
United we stand
divided we fall divided we stand,stronger than before
s& d was great.was late.but then not as smart as jy to come only at diner time cos the first few hours we were sianing.so were split into two tables according to the list of names.so 1 table was majorly girls with 3 boys and then the other got all boys except 2 girls.cos rm nv come.but then even if she was here she still wld be at the girls table.and b4 dinner we must watch some
boring performances.and listen to some ppl talk and talk and talk.including the valedictorian.congrats to the top three 6r ppl.and the emcees.so cute.and cos when old ppl talk,they talk very long.so i was starving.cos i didnt eat for 24 hrs le.cos morning no time eat breakfast,cca during lunch,so i used the kuaizi to dip the soysauce and ate lor.and when my soysauce finish,i stole frm xy.who made a big fuss abt me eating soysauce and then dui ny de lian.and dun qin1 shen4 duan1 pu3 and wadeva.but then she still gave me her soysauce cos she dun want me to fan ta.><
and soon we were FINALLLY eating.quite nice actually.and our table chao si wen.so when the food come no one wanna start eating.unlike the boys table with the food gone in a minute lor.so after someone started kiaping food, i did too!ate too samosas(:and xy was saying how everyone dunno how too use kuaizi. and then theres this green colour shirt boy thats chao li hai at doing the rubiks cube.he can do in like half a minute?no matther how u turn the cube he oso can fix.b and x being lame by calling each other and pretend to be charlie even tho they were only 3 seats away.lame but quite funny.everyone laffing.
oso, some ppl like rx,longjian,shieuhuei and jiamin crashed.vignes and ramya there doing henna.the ppl put up this musical very like the ny 90 anniversary one.rulang is 77 yrs old.
luckylucky :D
and the softball ppl went up to get the prize and they are very very cute.especially the first girl whos like most valuable player or sth.yay!!!!rulang got core ccas le.very gd at skipping.very very gd at softball(the uniforms so cute oso)and finally very very very very gd at robotics.got green denmark somemore!first skoo in singapore le!very very very gd!and they went so many countries lor.
and at the end theres this damndamndamndamndamndamndamn nice thing.they off the lights in the hall.and then u can see the lights at the back of the hall flashing which looked very cool.and then*drumroll pls*they let remote controlled kites with flashing lites fly and it looked supercool.l was saying"dun let the kites hit my head hor"and then when it almost ended,the kite flew until damn low like only 5cm above our head.an everyone at our table was screaming.except me:P
and it ended very nicely with everyone getting a plaque and a doorgift.quite cute actually. and then me and sindhu went and stole balloons.smiley somemore.brought 3 balloons home smileysmileysmiley(:(:(:
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
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2:44 PM
so nice.no wonder he'e called emo prince.i think he wrote that for yzw.
and i realised that traditional chinese wrds are so much cuter than the simplified version
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2:30 PM
好久不見雖然我們很久沒見了但是很開心 彼此的默契依舊
一樣的冷笑話 一樣的互相打氣
一樣的無話不說 一樣的拖鞋短裤
一樣的我 一樣的你
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1:49 PM
yay tmrw speech and drama nite.cant wait cant wait.i havent been to s & d nite for uhm 3 yrs?show how much my results suck lor.and the last time i went was to perform lor.
welcome welcome one and alltonite we're gonna have a ball(: <-thats a
italic smiley
(: <-thats a
bold smiley
(: <-and thats a cancelled smiley which means ur sad but then im not sad (and it looks like someone's face is cut in half yay.im being lame and smiley and bored.and cant waity for s&d.cos ppl in 6R damn funny.more uhm amusing.and all got attitude problems onebut then that makes them funny.
{ freed on
9:39 AM
im really sian.nth to do on the internet.nth to do at all
except math mensuration reaaly really bored.wanna go out but cant think of any nice nice place to go.which is why im playing some super lame game my senior showed me.and no one's online.and i feel like i finished all the nice blogthings quiz le.
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8:58 AM
omg i feel like hell.got backache,hipache,buttache and thighache.
Friday, November 9, 2007
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2:52 PM
love and friendship met one day.
love asked, "why do you exist?"
friendship answered, "to put a smile where you leave tears."
then love asked again, "well, if that's what you do, how come there are still many people crying?"
friendship said, "it''s my fault. instead of doing my job, i sometimes end up doing yours."
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2:42 PM

so cute
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11:55 AM
oh ya and happy belated deepavali ppl!
i had to baby sit ytd.my mom's fren's children
i met a real extrovert.the minute the girl came into tyhe hse,shestarted talking and talking and talking.non stop
she talked abt what she thot of the balcony ,she talked of every single bloody thing .
now,thats a real extrovert.talking non stop,no sense of shyness.
im not sure if im introvert or extrovert.
cos everone who dont know me well enuff says im introvert.and the rest says im extrovert.
which is why im supposed to be scorpio.
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11:38 AM
omg i love 101
and we have learned to unite
we've got great teamwrk
and i bet nxt yr we will win all the un-nerd competitions
maybe even the nerd ones
yeah so the other classes admit that we are quite siao,
but then they also admit that we are very li hai together
2007 is the best yr i've had
majorly cos theres no boys in the class
and who says girls aint funny?
2007 had whizzed by,with tears of joy and sorrow
after all,time flies when u are having fun
i really had fun
i dont ever want this time nxt yr to come
together we make a great class, a great team
and i love you guys for making this yr fun and great
love you all <3
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11:08 AM
went rulang.daddy drove me so i avoided the super irritating security guards.and went canteen and saw rm,alisa,xy and bryan.and libo and ben tod stuck outside.and then hog went out and fetched them in.along with xinyu and junyi.and they were like super tall?arnd 1.8?and then hog looked at jy's shoes and cannot see his socks and was like"why are you wearing ankle socks?look at the others"*pts at boys*then turn to point at girls but unfortunately,all girls are wearin ankle socks.
and jy acbc was like"im not wearing ankle socks,im wearing below ankle socks"
and then must take pics.so everyone started adjusting uniform so we look cool(:
the hc ppl tried to tuck out their shirt but hog didnt allow
the rg ppl pulled down the belt
me and xy,the ny ppl f____ s____
my first time doing that to acbc.but then her class full of those acbc ppl.
aft photo taking,l went home and hog told us abt speech and drama nite:D
yay we are allowed to eat for free haha
but hog wanted me to coordinate everyone so he said"ny girl can coordinate rite?"and some other crap
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
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11:00 AM
xuyue!go with me c& d 2nite! plsplspls!i really really need someone to go with!u can go and see ur 107 and 106 frens!
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10:52 AM
Your Dosha is Kapha |
 Calm and grounded, you are not prone to mood swings or anger. However, once you do get angry, it takes a lot to cool you down. You tend to think a little slower than most people, but your logic is astounding. Overall, you very loyal and trustworthy. You're not scared of being who you really are.
With friends: You enjoy their company, but often listen more than talk
In love: You crave connection and affection. It's hard for you to be single.
To achieve more balance: Exercise vigorously (especially in the sun) and let go of attachments. |
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10:48 AM
Your Emoticon is Cool |
 You're not feeling particularly up or down, just relaxed and calm. You're ready for whatever is going to happen next! |
IM COOL(:lengku.
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10:46 AM
omg i really ama cancer?i took this quiz 3 times!always got cancer.FINE.
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10:44 AM
You Should Be A Cancer |
 What's good about you: you're incredibly kind, caring, and generous
What's bad about you: you can be too moody and impossible to understand
In love: you enjoy wining and dining the object of your affection
In friendship, you're: likely to depend on other friends for emotional support
Your ideal job: historian, marine biologist, or religious figure
Your sense of fashion: you dress to match your mood
You like to pig out on: classic home cooked meals, like mac and cheese |
omg im a cancer
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10:39 AM
You are 80% Scorpio |
wah i chaged.improved 20%
Monday, November 5, 2007
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2:30 PM
oh and oso
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2:29 PM
i did absolutely nth so theres absolutely nth to post abt.and btw,
happy bday nicole!
Friday, November 2, 2007
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9:08 AM
halloween is so fun (: nat looked great,like a teenager.if you dont get it ,then it means you havent heard of the song teenagers frm mcr.cos
teenagers scare the living shit outta meand lisa oso looked scary,cos she had the mask and a parang.xy and her friend were witches.
yj was casper the friendly ghost!with a cute witch hat.
and i
was supposed to be a vampire.but then everything was sold out so i had to be a magician.
anyways most importantly,we had lots of candy!!!!one guy even gave a bag of famous amos.cos he didnt have candy or chocs so he gave us cookies!and we watched movies,none of them scary actually.i mean harry potter and goblet of fire and scooby doo 2 aint a bit scary.but everyone slept before we even showed scooby doo 2 except me and nat.and i fell asleep when it reached the part i've watched before.
and also we had supper.roti prata,very nice de.
and if anyone wanna join us,then go for halloween nxt yr :D
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9:05 AM
choral and drama nite finally over.yay!!!!everyone was great, btw.and i cant wait to see you guys for the fundraising.then it will really be the last day we are 101 07 le.so sad.i'll really miss everyone.