im in a reflective mood i shall reflect on 1 of my fave subjects.THE HOROSCOPE. I know most ppl dont belive in the horoscope,i sometimes dont ,but dunno why but im superstitious now.everything is frm my experiece so it may not be very accurate.
Extroverted signsAriesLeoScorpioPiscesIntroverted signsTaurusGeminiCancerVirgoLibraSagittariusCapricornAquariusbut im not very sure of sag and capri.cos dunno much of those ppl but i still think they are more introvert signs.and i DO think there shld be more introverted signs cos the extrovert makes lots of noise so there aint sooooooo much LOUD ppl.
i'll start frm
LEO cos its the first in order which i know what to talk abt.the worst leo is fucking attention seeking,demanding and a selfish brat.
but some leos can be really nice,ive met 3 really nice leos and i think the rite leos can he de lai but often there aint many.i used to like leos but now i dont really.
SCORPIO -2nd in fave star sign.chao big de mood swings but generally quite happy.very forgiving.usually are extroverts but some may be introverts cos they like to keep to themselves sometimes.he de lai with leos but not ALL kinds. super he de lai with pisces.
PISCES last onehave oneor more special talent.super influential.extremely sensitive.can he de lai with scorps but only can he de lai with leos in SPECIFIC conditions.leos and pisces can hurt each other very easily cos i made a pisces cry and vice versa.but then we were forced back into a grp together the nxt day and still got along great.leos can only hdl with non emo pisces and when a pisces is emo,its up to a scorp to make her happy.
and thats the end of my theory :D
its all based on my experiece completely so thats why i nv talk abt the other star sign cos i dont know a lot of ppl frm those signs. and actually horoscopes aint completely true cos every person in each star sign varies greatly.omg, i sound like a fortune teller.ok nvm.
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3:05 PM
beach cleaning.our class so tire hai rite?(:but we were completely soaked juz trying to get that tire.and we INFLUENCED most 101 ppl to get wet.tho everyone regretted it afterwards.played beach soccer and cut my foot.on bus ride talking abt cca again.actuallly i wan another cca.cos its fun and ou can learn stuff.i was thinking abt robotics which shld be infocomm cos i love my robotics days and seniors.but i want to try sth new.theres 3 other cca which i wanna go but i doubt i can get in for anyone.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
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4:21 PM
nice yeah?of course not i write one.i chinese where got so good 1?
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4:15 PM
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3:08 PM completely superstitious.started talking abt horoscopes.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
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3:26 PM
i realised now ive become more
SentimentalSuperstitiousSensitivebut actually all i wanna be is a SCORPIOthere i go again being superstitious.but then most scorpio guys are way hawt.even tho their damn sensitive.but super funny.and musically talented.especially guitar.
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3:10 PM
went to w's hse.saw h there oso! omg!!!!!!!!!!ive not seen her for a year arldy.still look as cute (:but when i went in,w's mom was stilll afraid i'll get left out cos she think i dunno h mah.but then i basically shouted that i knew her at robotics.but then h told me we knew each other b4 we were in robotics,but in some speech training.i was damn surprised she rmbed cos thats arnd 6 yrs ago?and h started saying abt the speech training.想当年。。。abt me and y very 配 cos we both were "雨"and w actually thot y was my boyfriend leh
but when she was gone i realised she is exactly like amanda.the xing ge very xiang and the anime drawing skills oso.and can speak jap damn cute oso.jiyous with psle dear,u noe you can get into rgs.
Friday, October 19, 2007
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3:29 PM
fajar thing.laffed at the ppl again.cos 1 guy was super acbc and a_b_ and the other guy seemed to be chi dun or sth.and i got sabo-ed as model.sf and sl oso.and ______ oso.some ppl can look so hawt in a sari.
btw,is it me or is the deco team/model obsessed with being princes and princesses?
cos i see damn lot of ppl wearing crowns.
and some even got fairy princess wand.
played sheng dan lao ren,ji go pa and chopsticks on the bus.the return home journey v fun.played more shengdan lao ren but we had a distrater.
so the first time it was wq so she said
and everyone laffed.
then i distracted.
by telling super lame jokes
there was a boy called john and a girl called mary.
they got married.
there was a boy called jack and a girl called jill.
they went up the hill.
super lame but then jinyi wq,nicole lisa lee and jingting all laffed.
which means they ARE funny :D
and they say my laughter is contagious.
weird when you think of it like
you laff at a funny thing then ppl laff at you becos you laff cos ur laff is funny.
nvm if you dun geddit.
class chalet. damn cool
cant wait.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
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3:22 PM
fuck you.
if you seriously think you're so great,
then do it yourself.
be a fucking one-man show and see who will listen to you.
you dont own us.
you dont own
stop insulting everyone.
if you're good enuff,then prove that you dont need us.
the only way i stand you is to assure myself that the ____ will be ruined.
would you care?
or do you seriously need the cash?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
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3:40 PM
knees completely bruised aft iceskating.cos i got pushed by some1 too many times.knees so damn ugly.i decided im gonna jf again.
Friday, October 12, 2007
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4:25 PM
i realised ppl like the same thing for different reasons.
i bet i like it with the most original reason.
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4:09 PM
i am super happy idea why cos i screwed maths.havent seen a worser score.i failed it.i mean , how can anyone fail maths?its supposed to be a in-fail-able subject.but i do think today is my lucky day.even tho the bloody ivle almost spoilt.but then i think i got lucky thrice i got lucky doing the most randomn stuff.thank god i did those.or i wont be smiling thru the whole time we were checking maths paper.talked to nat and then i realised that girls like tomboyish kinda girls.makes sense.very true.
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4:07 PM
When you turn back,
i hope it is for me.
for that one last look;
for that one last smile;
for that one last wave.
One last time.
before you're gone.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
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6:29 PM
got back chi and aep results.tomorrow will be worse,sci and maths.
BUT tues will still be the WORST.geog and history and screwed.
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6:15 PM
the actions i used to laugh at,
the words i used to mock
is exactly what i am doing now.
But why?
its not gonna work,never did
and never will.
so why do i still hope for a miracle?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
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2:43 PM
You Could Be a Vampire... If You Had To |
 Like most people, the thought of being a vampire has crossed your mind. But you're not sure if you'd do it, even if you could. Living forever doesn't sound half bad, if you could live forever with the people you love the most. But do vampires even love? And would the vampire version of you even be you? It's all too much to contemplate. Luckily, the chances of you ever becoming a vampire are astronomically low.
What you would like best about being a vampire: Living forever
What you would like least about being a vampire: Blood stained teeth |
i actually wanna be a vampire
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2:43 PM
Your Unique Costume is a Voodoo Doll |
 Ouch! |
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2:43 PM
im sooooooo happy today.went vivo.AGAIN.went with daddy.he brought me a new phone!!!!!!!sony damn happy so happy so happy.and tothink i got a $600 phone FREE! yay!!!!!!!sony ericsson rawks XD
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9:53 AM
i am so damn proud of myself!i actually bothered to relink everyone and i actually arranged ppl in groups and in alphabetical order.i cant belive i actually bothered.oh well
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9:40 AM
omg today is like damn fun.aft maths which was sooooooo difficult,me xy,lisa and nat went to VIVO!!!!the smartest choice, we took 170 to little india and den changed to MRT.i like the mrt,makes you look super tall and skinny.aft we reached vivo,we went candy empire to drool over the sweets.too bad we cant affford them.and when we go out,theres two ny girls hiding from's teammates.and den dunno why,we started talking abt TEAMmates,GROUPmates and DANCEmates.we went to TOYS R US.searching for the perfect halloween costume.super fun.theres this camera and this big screen at the front of toys r we started posing while ppl walked arnd,staring at us.we went in and tried on the feather boa.damn bimbo.and we found softtoys to big and cute and huggable(:den we went to the halloween section.tried on masks and stuff.the mask all chao real.and den looking at tattoos,fake cuts,makeup and stuff.and den we found this bimbo hair thing.its not exactly a wig os its like hard plastic.and theres 4 colours,xy took the blonde"bimbo" 1,nat took the pink 1,lisa took the dark blue 1 and i took the blue 1.and we wanted to take pics.but then nat suddenly got smart idea and was like,lets wear the feather bos we went and took feather boas.and then i was like,lets take bags we found this super girly purses.all purple but in different we hid in a corner and started taking fun!and we continues our journey arnd.found the hula hoops.wah every1 can hula-hoop except me,feeel so shi bai.den we saw the skateboards.omg i definitely wanna skateboard,its like damn dun.and you can balance on the board itself and everything.and we saw the rubber tubes and swords for playing in the me and xy started fencing. we were anyhow playing den nat was like,do you all even know how to i poked xy,1 mark for me(:den we went to the front of the staore and looked at the big screen and we took a pic.damn cool.
and we went to the children's playground at the second storey there.super fun playing balancing games.took MORE photos.seriously i feel like a tourist who nv been to this roundabout wadeva,but then they all scared. i xi guan le cos i played that for 3 hrs at my fren's hse there.nv realised the playground can be that fun.but then the security guard came,and hes like,are you all under 12.we remained silent and so,he shooed us could he think im over 12?i men theres ppl who tell me i look 10yrs old when i went for flagday.
so we went to the top floor,the place got water 1.and we started playing.super wet.running arnd and jumping and splshing.nat was chasing dragonflys,i was running AWAY from dragonflyys.DUH,cos i cant stand every 1 was chao wet.but then we continued playing.and we went the shallow-er place and planned to run run run and den jump into the air with hsm poses.guess whose idea that is?:P and finally we decided to go.we lied on the cement and wood to dry ourselves.but then its damn hot.its like BBQ 猪肉 LIDDAT. my pants are completely transparent cos its fbt.
we were damn hot so went inside.went pets store.the dogs are all super cute.rabbits oso.den xy needed to go.we went busstop with her.den me lisa nat went back vivo.ate ljs.were all slightly emo le.didnt know wad to do so we wandered round and round.went back toys r us.we all wore the ellow bimbo hair thing and posed with spongebob.cos hes oso yellow.went to make a bear oso,saw this girl that is super skinny and super tall.and the make a bear thing is exactly like the make a moose thing in hannah montana.anywaes,im definitely buying a like damn damn fun.looked at more halloween stuff.i know what i wanna be for halloween LIAO(:went back play ground ,saw these 16 yr old acbc guys chased away from plyground.HA,serve them rite.and aft our legs cant take it anymore,we left.nat and lisa both took 143 to pei wo.taked MORE abt halloween.cant wait XD
Monday, October 8, 2007
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3:21 PM
if you see this post,den u will noe its the last time i'll be posting
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2:33 PM
feel liike watching secret.but then dun wan.cos if i watch 2day den jiu shi qu shen mi gan le.cos i'll noe the secret.but then i wonder if i shld watch cos i heard the song 2day,maybe its a omen?(:nvm,i think i'll go watch initialD.even tho i think the ending is cimplete crap.but jay chou actually looks hawt when he is driving.
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2:05 PM
i was watching tv ytd nite and den i realised that i like ld guys.their like damn cute.he nv ever smile but den when he cry,its like chao cute,and super hawt.hes super emo but the not the wannabe kinda emo.and his name is like the cutest.
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2:03 PM
omg 2mrw exam finish liao.every 1 love 2mrw.jnrs oso.psle finsh 2mrw,so we all go and congest the malls ok?
Friday, October 5, 2007
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4:29 PM
ms diana crash in johore.sometimes,u juz cant change fate.its only a few days before hari raya.and now she's dead.i do feel sad even tho she was not the one who made the most impact in my not the kind with a easy-to rmb cute name or the teacher's pet kinda you probably wont know me.but i'll still rmb you.they loved you back in rps.the ppl are being counselled .they grieve for your loss.i will minutes of silence.
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4:22 PM
was toking to l abt emo quotes,so she sent me a whole lot.and stories and stuff.damn nice.and realised usa is stressed.i mean its 3 sth and mahru's still nv sleep yet.and she said she dun intend to.wah so stressed.and is it me or is psle getting more and more difficult liao?i mean,alcohol to get rid of chlrophyll?wtf!?i nv learnt that
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3:54 PM
super slack 2day.aft history went jec,take first its supposed to be me,sl,yj,lisa and jessy.den lisa dun wanna go.den when we reach busstop jessy was like pei lisa so dun wan go oso.and den 66 came,and every1 was like go or dun go.den 66 dun go lor.den me and sl prepared to go home.but then on the bus sl was like"u wan take neos?'so we went lah.and den was dinging the bell and shouting excuse me like siao cos the changing money auntie was dunno took neo and den went library steal post cards.and den when go home that time sl wanna go toilet,so i waited for her at the sink there.and den this old lady come out and put her hands under the tap and she was like “没水。”den she stared at me.i wanted to laff i told her “要按。“and she was like orrrrhh.shes soooooooo hightech,expect everywhere to be those auto taps lor.and den went arnd with sl to try fun.i thinking abt bangs,but bu gan xia shou.bangs either look nerd or look cute.but den i dun really wanna look cute.
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3:47 PM
thx liz/ling wadeva ur ya always.i spammed like siao liao,and im not innocent ok?and i noe u clicked like siao liao.and ur soooo super duper spendthrift ok?ur the only person i see who can spend $70 in 3 days every wk.lang fei $$ lor you.
XD.jiayous for eoys
Thursday, October 4, 2007
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2:47 PM
_b guys are all gay.definitely.i know 3 and all of them are.
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11:16 AM
hair is the most look-changing part of a can totally make you look like ur P4.
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11:15 AM
i realised i dun have fate with bloody fate at all.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
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2:31 PM
i can always rmb my fave prank call.its after psle and then me and some friends call this guy using one of my friend's phone and i was like"hey (boy's name),im (one of my friend's name),juz wanna say i love you.dont you love me too?"
actually this year i prank-called,and didnt really listen to the voice on the other line so i started crapping.and guess wad the person said?"im (frien's name)'s mom.majorly embarrasing.
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2:30 PM
i think i just got prank-called.
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11:12 AM
why is it today that people got weird dreams?i got the weirdest dream today,other than the zac efron 1.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
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10:37 AM
went to this guy's blog.he likes HILARY DUFF! omg.thats like totally bimbo,nth wrong with liking hilary if ur a girl,but we're toking abt a 13 yr old hc guy?
and some other hc guy wanna fuck emma watson.
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10:37 AM
Wah...150 posts.time flies
Monday, October 1, 2007
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4:27 PM
Likilicious quiz.
I shall rate each on a scale of 10... and substantiate it!
* Ablutophobia- Fear of washing or bathing. - only got fear when there's lizard in the toilet
* Bibliophobia- Fear of books- depends wad kind.if textbk,den definitely
* Chaetophobia- Fear of hair.- i love my hair.tho definitely definitely wanna cut
* Chirophobia- Fear of hands.-um...sounds sick *ahem ahem*wandering hands?
* Cibophobia- Fear of food- definitely!!!JF! JF!! JF!!!
* Decidophobia- Fear of making decisions. - yeah.indecisive.
* Dendrophobia- Fear of trees.- Lack of trees cause deforestation.Deforestation will in turn result in global warming...(i mugging geog)
* Ecophobia- Fear of home- Home Sweet Home.(:
* Gerascophobia- Fear of growing old.- no idea.positively negatively neutral.
* Gymnophobia- Fear of nudity.- I would be embarrassed.3/10
* Ideophobia- Fear of ideas.- they're fun.
* Leukophobia- Fear of the color white.- not exactly fear,but i quite hate it.
* Logophobia- Fear of words.- OMG definitely.words are the root of ALL misunderstandings.
* Nomatophobia- Fear of names.- WTF?whoever chose this must be seriously siao.
* Paraskavedekatriaphobia- Fear of Friday the 13th.- totally,when i was p4,sitting with d.he brought like whole bunch of lucky charms ON FRIDAY 13TH.
* Phronemophobia- Fear of thinking- I hate thinking about DEEP stuff.
* Syngenesophobia- Fear of relatives- YEAH RITE,i find my cousins INTERESTING.
Total: 45/170
but i think the stupidest phobia is the fear of peanut butter stuck on your roof of your mouth or wadeva .
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2:25 PM
screwed chinese. like duh!so damn difficult lor.sill got geog.arghhhh