There were nights when the wind was so cold
That my body froze in bed
If I just listened to it
Right outside the window
There were days when the sun was so cruel
That all the tears turned to dust
And I just knew my eyes were
Drying up forever
I finished crying in the instant that you left
And I can't remember whereor when or how
And I banished every memory
you and I had ever made
There were moments of gold
And there were flashes of light
There were things I'd never do again
But then they'd always seemed right
There were nights of endless pleasure
It was more than any laws
There were those empty threats and hollow lies
And whenever you tried to hurt me
I just hurt you even worse
And so much deeper
There were hours that just went on for days
When alone at last we'd count upall the chances
That were lost forever
But you were history with theslamming of the door
And I made myself so strong again somehow
And I never wasted any of my time on you since then
If you forgive me all this
And I forgive you all that
We forgive and forget
And it's all coming back to me
When you see me like this
And when I see you like that
We see just what we want to see
All coming back to me
I can barely recall but it's all comingback to me now
Back to posting every 15 minutes.Sian mah.
{ freed on
11:13 AM
I'm in a OMFG kinda mood.
Lookie lookie*ripped frm meizhen's blog*
man i have to say that some ppl really ren bu ke mao xiangshes actually very nice debut shyshy like me xD maybe taz why he bu de laiOhmygawd.Make me so jidong.
FordunnowhatreasonIts like so zhun.
About someone and LSC.
sometimes you dont need to pretend you know.
just ask.
{ freed on
10:01 AM
Damn the fucking school.
Damn Ms y
We knew exactly what we wanted, and this isnt what we signed up for.
If this is what you want, we can give it back.
we just pon lah.
How much can you do if there's no one there?
Even if we're there, there's no passion.
We dont feel the love anymore.
Further more, you dont even want to tell us
So we stay in the dark until the last bloddy minute
Until the whole goddamn thing has changed
To know that we dont want to stay
The passion in dance has just started.
And perhaps just ended.
Think of what we wanted.
And think of what you did.
And how i hope to god it was worth it.
Worth the deep hatred there in everyone
And this is not the only cca thats happening to.
So that's what you wanted issnt it?
100 over girls without a passion.
Without a dream.
Hoping for a miracle we know will never happen.
The hiphop door has closed
the classical window opened.
But im just not sure if the window is any good
Just leave us stuck in this room and rot and die.
I never thought i would ever miss him
but i will.
We only cherish when its lost but when its lost, theres nothing to cherish.
But suddenly i feel we're so bonded.
Crying together.
Reminiscing of the past.
The new era
Friday, March 7, 2008
{ freed on
4:43 PM
Omg i realised that post ended up a
bit lot on the longish side. So i'll really appreciate it if you read w-o-r-d f-o-r w-o-r-d.And tag.And think about what you did and how I hope its worth it.
Oh gawd i sound like a grandma. Have fun peeps(:
{ freed on
4:03 PM
IM back and better than ever:)*applause applause*
And you are very suay to reach this blog cause im not going to give a ear to ear description of LSC
I recommend xy's blog,lisa he's blog(brief but she'll probably post damn long later),jessy's blog.Jessy better dont dissapoint me hor(: And if yr looking for their url at the right side of my blog, I regret to tell you :I DONT LINK:/
In a way if you see it,posting/blogging for 1hr sth is NOT worth it,unless your job is blogging and you earn an extra dollar for every letter you type than by all means,dont stop blogging.Especially cos you very xin1 ku3 type 1hr sth and ppl take like 2 minutes to read finish yr post,tag at yr tagboard and then disappear to god knows where(susanna dont think sick).
ANYWAY,that was crapping.
Summary of LSC:
Our telematch super rawked.I wonder if it wasnt wet weather it will still turn out this nice?Maybe its a blessing in disguise?Treasure it then:D And frm the telematch, i realise i love hte feeling of stress,pressure and maybe chiong at sometimes.BUt i still like stoning and being stone.Pure S on the inside:D
And through the eagle catch the chick,you can somehow see how everyone is like.The rough, the sporty,the mannered, the witty. I super pei4 fu2 all of them.
One of a kind. I appreciate that some of them are so damn well mannered but really,just cos you accidentally touched one of the human barriers, you dont have to apologise and start all over again.And all the sports cca ppl all super pro de lor.The gymers,the trackers.And its just so much fun playing with
some a class
es But then dont assume if you want to guess the class.I canassure you its the last class you can think of.And i love love ppl staring at my face and then ohmygawding.
Charades rawked too.Just not as much as e catch the c.
Not even close.
Not even near.
Not even half of it.
Not even anyway near there.
But it was fun acting out for the ppl to guess.Some classes are oh so smart.While others are,well let's not say anything shall we?And admit it, some classes just get all the luck.One second earlier,Onee second later,the luck will be gone.Carpe Diem.They got it.That's how a 7 mark difference can be undone with a 3 mark bonus question.And adn there's so many shy ppl.There's super lot of ppl i want to see act.For the second time.Everyone just act 1 time and then like the same 5 ppl will go over and over.Round and round here we go again.
And i lovelove the leadership game.2 parts of it(:Dont ask me for the reason,ask yrself,thats the simplicity and bliss of it.
It just makes me so happy. Reflect on yourself and all the things you've done. People make it or break it during camp. I just feel like i've broken it.Except when you're there i just dont feel alone.Look back, its still always just the most simple little things that make you the happiest.The most uncomplicated people.
And it ended happily ever after.And the best thing was?Its not even a fairytale.But im happy now at this moment. It doesnt last but im content.But really,it was a kick ass ending.And i believe it began at the very beginning of the day.Sometimes,i wonder how i got so lucky.i got what i want,what i've wanted and want i would want today.Sympathising with you was just false pretense, because that's exactly what i wanted.Really.
So those sad ppl dont be sad.There's no next year but there's always someone else.Someone else there beside you. By your side. So happy together.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
{ freed on
5:40 PM
LSC camp tmr.Need i say more?
Monday, March 3, 2008
{ freed on
4:57 PM
Cant you see everyone tried their best?
Their best to make YOU happy.
Maybe our best is not good enough, but that's all we can do.
Admit it, we're not perfect.
We're not loaded with money to get you whatever you want.
But we still have feelings.
And we hurt.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
{ freed on
3:37 PM
Ever hear this charming little rhyme?Ring-around-the-rosy
A -pocket-full-of-posies
Ashes, ashes, we all fall down.
Trust me:its all about the plague. The words have changed a little from the original, but so have any words carried on the lips of children for seven hundred years. It's a little reminder that the Black Death will come again.How can I be so sure about this rhyme, when all the experts disagree?Because i ate the kid who made it up.-The Last Days
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
{ freed on
5:28 PM
the cullens.edward is so un-hawt and everyone is so un-beautiful.not that its their fault, but the author created the characters too beautiful they dont we're stuck with this qian bian guy
actually shes quite plus bella doesnt need to be tooo pretty so she's least loooks quite like.
somehow, i just have theis feeling that the movie is gonna suck.big time.making a movie out of a book almost never works.especially when the book is so damn nice.oh gonna watch it anyway.
{ freed on
4:55 PM
here to blog.but have nth to talk blogs so dead anyway.
huiling's birthday tmr.happy birthday?who wants to share present?
and then there's weiqing,lisa lee,shufang,meizhen,shaole,xiaohan and most importantly*drum roll pls
*jingting(:woah damn lot.
and must buy present,cos its new year resolution mah.
give everyone sth before we never see each other again.
Monday, February 25, 2008
{ freed on
10:01 AM
im back(:everyone clap.wheee...
now go tag
and everyone jiayou for drama
especially my grp members(:
Thursday, February 14, 2008
{ freed on
5:37 PM
Is it still me that makes you sweat?
Am I who you think about in bed?
When the lights are dim and your hands are shaking as you're sliding off your dress?
Then think of what you did
And how I hope to God he was worth it.
When the lights are dim and your heart is racing as you're fingers touch your skin.
I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better f***
Than any boy you'll ever meet, sweetie you had me
Girl I was it look past the sweat, a better love deserving of
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat?
No, no, no you know it will always just be, me
Let's get these teen hearts beating.
Faster, faster
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
So testosterone boys and harlequin girls
Will you dance to this beat, and hold a lover close?
So I guess we're back to us, oh cameraman, swing the focus
In case I lost my train of thought, where was it that we last left off?
(Let's pick up, pick up)
Oh now I do recall, we just were getting to the part
Where the shock sets in, and the stomach acid finds a new way to make you get sick.
I hope you didn't expect that you'd get all of the attention.
Now let's not get selfish
Did you really think I’d let you kill this chorus?
{ freed on
5:11 PM
Hppy valentines day(:even tho it wasnt so happy.diaerhoe(sp?)whole day.thanks to this stupid thing called milk.milk sucks can?and it doesnt even make you grow tall.real life example?me.and if you think im must be blind.or abt the height of a offense to short ppl know i am one.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
{ freed on
5:31 PM
Did we create a modern myth
Did we imagine half of it
Would happen in a thought from now
Save yourself
Save yourself
The secret is out
The secret is out
To buy the truth
And sell a lie
The last mistake before you die
So don't forget to breathe tonight
Tonight's the last so say good-bye
The secret is out
{ freed on
4:46 PM
Accidentally deleted ALL my links.
and too lazy to relink.SO...
Rmb to tag with your link or i just might not tag back.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
{ freed on
4:53 PM
Carry big bag small bag all arnd,you tell me,how can not sway?
we played the lsc games (:so fun de lor.but i very violent.sorry the ppl i kicked,hit,fell down on and dunno sorry to meizhen,yuxin and jinyi.and someone else i first tackled whose name i cant rmb.
and then went to take bus carrying:sling bag,file,and plastic bag full of clothes.seems little but its NOT.everything also chao heavy de.and it turns out,the bus is super crammed.and i cant hold the handle properly so i keep stepping on this girl's foot.sorry.and soon i got seat then when i was alighting,my huge heavy file completely smacked on someone's face.sorry.
and bought bubble tea at clementi,the person fill the ice blended exactly full so the minute i plunck the stupid straw in,everything sprayed up to my shirt.thank god i drank peach instead of smth like blue coral?blue coral sucks anyway
this seems to be a post abt apologies.and i realised ppl arnd me are more sway.sorry lor.
Monday, February 4, 2008
{ freed on
6:10 PM
When fact and fiction colllide.
Friday, February 1, 2008
{ freed on
4:08 PM
i realised people are selfcentred by nature.
simple example would be:
1 person talking to grp A
then grp B talking also
the person talking to grp A doesnt care abt what grp B talks abt
but if someone in grp B mentions the person in grp a"s name
ther person in grp A will immediately say
what thing what thing
its like ctrl-f
the minute you hear your name
you immediately will ask what happened
ok i just realised this post is very luan.
if your smart then you shall understand it(:
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
{ freed on
5:44 PM
Oh, it's time to let it go
The world's got a funny way of turning 'round on you
When a friend tries to stab you right in the face
Losing faith in everything I thought
I hoped I knew
Don't sweat it, it's set on false pretense
Betrayed but not gonna be willing to change
And it doesn't seem likely to fade
Betrayed but not gonna be willing to change
Cu-cu-cu-'cause you know...
It's sacrifice
False pretense you'll hurt again
Stop pretending don't deny
False pretense you'll hurt again
All along you know you thought you got the best of me
You were wrong and I'm laughing right in your face
I cannot believe you claimed you were my family
Don't sweat it
It's set on false pretense
Betrayed but not gonna be willing to change
And it doesn't seem likely to fade
Betrayed but not gonna be willing to change
Cu-cu-cu-'cause you know...
It's sacrifice
False pretense you'll hurt again
Stop pretending don't deny
False pretense you'll hurt again
Oh, it's time to let it go
I can't seem to understand it how you turned out to be so cold
You tried but were caught red handed, are you happy with your role?
It's funny to me how you've turned into such a joke...
It's sacrifice
False pretense you'll hurt again
Stop pretending don't deny
False pretense you'll hurt againS
o play the game until you run out
And play the game into my hand
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
{ freed on
5:58 PM
its so weird that i can do my geog project and then suddenly laugh out loud.And not abt anything funny just abt the 毛-ry maori.which is like old joke?All this days im zi-highing laughing abt dunno wad.And feeling very luan.especally maths i completely dont understand.So i jiu zi-high during maths.
{ freed on
3:42 PM
Im hooked on the ellen degeneres show even though i only watched 2 episodes but its so cool.Shes like chao enthu de and she makes everything so fun and she interviews popstar and she dances arnd like a teenager even tho shes 50 ardy?much better than oprah can?oprah just sit down on a chair interview what extraodinary ppl.guess wad?we'll not interested.i rather watch some celeb interview
Friday, January 25, 2008
{ freed on
5:01 PM
my blog is dead de lor
may you rest in peace
Thursday, January 24, 2008
{ freed on
6:09 PM
i love thursdays
good things ALWAYS happens on thursdays
and thursdays are supposed to be sway
so its miracle day
and i love 50cents
not the rapper
but $0.50
kays im being randomn xD
{ freed on
6:09 PM
yay juniors here for cca
cca was succesful
no scoldings
after a long long time
and i very lucky today
and happyhappy
i love thursdays
but then la setting 2mrw
diedie le
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
{ freed on
5:33 PM

pete wentz nerdified.
and i see patrick stump
{ freed on
3:44 PM
ytd was my chao sway day
its so sway that i cant even blog
i went to school
nv do ALL my hmwk
thx to tkm presentatation
and thenchionging lor
but damn lot can?
stl need to give mortal letter
and then the first time in my life(maybe not la)
ms teng checks my maths
so i gotta tell her i didnt do
and then sci and history hmwk oso nv do
got scolded lor
and then manage to go for rachel's party
ended up getting cake on my shoe and shirt
courtesy of eu and rachel
and then i come home
wanting to blog abt my unlucky day
then i write damn damn lot
then "publish post"
and then the dunno wad error thing came out
and the com nv even automatically save the post
so pissed i shut down the com
and ended up writing a short post abt ytd
{ freed on
3:42 PM
300th post
this calls for a celebration so pour the champagne
pour the champagne(:
Friday, January 18, 2008
{ freed on
4:52 PM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
{ freed on
5:22 PM
i made a achievement today
i randomnly found dh's blog
*lisa u better read this post*
and u bet his blog is damn stupid
tho i cant imagine he's a leo
cos leos wont embarrass themselfs and get bullied
but then he's born on the national day?
and summary of wad i think
he's stl a nerd
and guai kia
stl gets bullied/hit by clsmates
desperately trying to act cool
and failing miserably
significant zg nerd
in CHINESE orchestra and CHINESE chess
and is some environmentalistic freak?
*note to self*
how come i dont have uber uber cool exclsmates
but have to be stuck with zg nerds
(actually not really lah)
{ freed on
5:09 PM
I'm head over heels for someone (I)
That I really can't deal with (deal with)
I want to block her out my mind
But I really can't do it
I tell myself this the last time I'ma let her do this to me
Whenever we do spend time I realize that I can't get enough of you
Let me say to you)
Wipe that smile all off your fucking face
(Then I say to you)
Wipe that smile all off your face
(Then I say to you)
Wipe that smile all off your fucking face
(Then I say to you)
Wipe that smile all off your face
(Then I say to you)
To be despised
To be loved To be dreamt of
To be sought
On the inside I don't care
Right in the middle I'm right in the middle
To be despised
To be loved
To be dreamt of
To be sought
On the inside of I don't care
Be my unholy
My one and my lonely
I wear scarves and hoods
'Cause they're the only poker face that I got left
And everything I love about you is a mess
Smash the mirror and break the palm readers hand
(I) want to be better than I am
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
{ freed on
5:56 PM
omg i have no idea what happened to my tagboard
sometimes xiaohan's tag can be seen and sometimes it cant
{ freed on
5:47 PM
I have decided to be a more organised person, inspired by lisa so i shall write down my new year's resolution(: (re-re-edited)
1.Be a better senior to the 101 juniors and to the nymd juniors so that all juniors can remember me as a nice nice senior,like in rulang robotics,i hope.
2.Pass piano 8th grade with distinction.
3.Learn a new instrument after passing piano exam:cello and guitar.
4.Stop swearing.No using of shit,goddamnit,fuck,bloody hell.I guess i want to stop due to listening to JT sing matherfucker one too many times.And listening to Mr R scream bloody hell.So im not gonna be like them.
5.Give all 101-ers b'day prezzies that they want. No giving of crappy stuff such as candle/mug/photo frame unless i really 不熟 with you so i give you those.And also give ex-clsmates prezzies or at least send sms/e-card when their bday comes
6.Mr R to know my name,and not because i suck.
7.Be promoted to sec 3 and being to take 3 sciences and to pass all subjects,especially geog and history,even in common tests.
8.Be in at least half of the performances in HOS2.
9.Stay in boarding school and be more independant.
10.Plan vacation for june,look through guides(which indirectly means history and geog)
11.Be nicer to everyone in class.Talk to the people i never talk to.
12.No ponning of CCA because it is quite enjoyable now and i feel bonded to the team after my first performance.
13.Send ppl flowers for choral and drama nite because that's may be the last time i get to see some of my frens.
14.Be a nice angel but i dunno why they nv make us write letters today,but i shall write to my mortal and then hope she dun dump me lor.And oso send mortal flowers for c&d nite.
15.Be more sociable/outgoing and make more friends in NY!xD
16.*I wanted to write train stamina but then who am i kidding?*so i shall write:have better ball sense.and not throw drinks down from the 4th floor ahem ahem
{ freed on
5:08 PM
smiles brighten my day(:
thank you to the four
randomn ppl who smiled to me(:
yay i actually am working towards a goal of being more sociable
yay me *clap clap clap*
Friday, January 11, 2008
{ freed on
5:13 PM
i took the dancer test frm yj's blog
and the dancer KEPT turning cloakwise
even tho they say MOST ppl will see it turning anti
and the dancer NEVER turn the other direction no matter how hard i concentrate
so that means i am
uses feeling
"big picture"
symbols and images
present and future
philosophy & religion
can "get it" (i.e. meaning)
spatial perception
knows object function
fantasy based
presents possibilities
risk taking
{ freed on
4:46 PM
I have decided to be a more organised person, inspired by lisa so i shall write down my new year's resolution(: (re-edited)
1.Be a better senior to the 101 juniors and to the nymd juniors so that all juniors can remember me as a nice nice senior,like in rulang robotics,i hope.
2.Pass piano 8th grade with distinction.
3.Learn a new instrument after passing piano exam:cello and guitar.
4.Stop swearing.No using of shit,goddamnit,fuck,bloody hell.I guess i want to stop due to
listening to JT sing matherfucker one too many times.And listening to Mr R scream bloody hell.So im not gonna be like them.
5.Give all 101-ers b'day prezzies that they want. No giving of crappy stuff such as candle/mug/photo frame unless i really 不熟 with you so i give you those.And also give ex-clsmates prezzies or at least send sms/e-card when their bday comes
6.Mr R to know my name,and not because i suck.
7.Be promoted to sec 3 and being to take 3 sciences and to pass all subjects,especially geog and history,even in common tests.
8.Be in at least half of the performances in HOS2.
9.Stay in boarding school and be more independant.
10.Plan vacation for june,look through guides(which indirectly means history and geog)
11.Be nicer to everyone in class.Talk to the people i never talk to.
12.No ponning of CCA because it is quite enjoyable now and i feel bonded to the team after my first performance.
13.Send ppl flowers for choral and drama nite because that's may be the last time i get to see some of my frens.
14.Be a nice angel but i dunno why they nv make us write letters today,but i shall write to my mortal and then hope she dun dump me lor.And oso send mortal flowers for c&d nite.
15.Be more sociable/outgoing and make more friends in NY!xD
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
{ freed on
4:51 PM
im so happy today cos i figured out sth important.
why is it february that has the least day?
becos its the last mth of the year in the roman calendar
and if you need prove
go look at the horoscope and you shall see that pisces is the last
and that aries is the first
i am just so smart
and ego xD
{ freed on
3:16 PM
My new discovery(:
Recently sighted:2 new jnrs
which means i have 6 jnrs
or 7 not sure
but is quite gd de
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
{ freed on
5:40 PM
aiya bored
want to change blogskin
blogskin too emo le
but i hate happy happy blogskins
so i shall just stare at the com
and stone:D
{ freed on
4:45 PM
omg i love capricorn
i really love capricorn
did i say howmuch i love capricorns?
oh yes i love capricorn
yes i really really do
after scorpio of coursegoooooooooooo capricorn!:D
{ freed on
4:09 PM
cca auditions coming up
so everyone jiayou jiayou
ok i dunno wad to say anymore
Friday, January 4, 2008
{ freed on
5:37 PM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
{ freed on
4:34 PM
mrs koh made us do alliteration thingy which was damn funny
and with lisa we thot of some too
pls dont be offended
it is all meant in a nice and cute way
yijun shld be---guai kia guo
meizhen shld be---minnie monnie meizhen(dunno how to spell minnie monnie)
nicole shld be---nerd nicole
nat shld be---naughty nat
and i cannot rmb anything
but it is meant in a nice way so dont get offended ok?
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
{ freed on
5:39 PM
Dance like no one's watching
Sing like no one's listening
Work like you don't need the money
Love like you've never been hurt before
Live like there's no tomorrow
{ freed on
4:41 PM
and the coolest thing is that on mondays we go to school at 8.30.ny damn nice rite?i mean 8.30 then we can wake up late,like at 7.30 liddat.and we got 2 form teachers.even tho everyone say mr ng fierce but then i think its cool cos he will give us more attention for c&d nite(:and ms ye is gonna teach us again.actually i think its ok if she teach us cos its so called entertainment for the class during her lessson.but ms ye is 101'08's form teacher.actually it wont be that bad cos we are the only class that has trouble with ms ye so maybe our jnrs will like her?
and its so unfair that they get mr lim kok kok lor for aep.seriously,who doesnt want mr lim kok kok for teacher?
and our juniors seem kinda boring.but it may be oso because its their first day and all but i hope they can be more enthu and usxD
{ freed on
4:22 PM
start of the school.sad.even tho its nice to see
101 201ppl back.
and the major accomplishment of today was spotting*drumroll pls* 4 jnrs
my eyesight not bad seeing as its the first day of school
and so cool 2 of them in 101
and 1 of them is in aep
and another one DSA softball
which is a duh thing as she is the best softballer for primary schools in 2007
and another one in robotics
how can ny NOT have robotics?
i mean i know that ny used to have but i shld stl have lor
just bcos robotics USED to be a sucky cca doesnt it stl will be rite?
there are ppl that are trained in robotics and want to join rite?
{ freed on
3:48 PM
I have decided to be a more organised person, inspired by lisa so i shall write down my new year's resolution(:
1.Be a better senior to the 101 juniors and to the nymd juniors so that all juniors can remember me as a nice nice senior,like in rulang robotics,i hope.
2.Pass piano 8th grade with
3.Learn a new instrument after passing piano exam:cello and guitar.
4.Stop swearing.No using of shit,goddamnit,fuck,bloody hell.I guess i want to stop due to listening to JT sing matherfucker one too many times.And listening to Mr R scream bloody hell.So im not gonna be like them.
5.Give all 101-ers b'day prezzies that they
want. No giving of crappy stuff such as candle/mug/photo frame unless i really 不熟 with you so i give you those.And also give ex-clsmates prezzies or at least send sms/e-card when their bday comes
6.Mr R to know my name,and not because i suck.
7.Be promoted to sec 3 and being to take 3 sciences and to pass all subjects,especially geog and history,even in common tests.
8.Be in at least half of the performances in HOS2.
9.Stay in boarding school and be more independant.
10.Plan vacation for june,look through guides(which indirectly means history and geog)
11.Be nicer to everyone in class.Talk to the people i never talk to.
12.No ponning of CCA because it is quite enjoyable now and i feel bonded to the team after my first performance.
13.Send ppl flowers for choral and drama nite because that's may be the last time i get to see some of my frens.
14.Be a nice angel but i dunno why they nv make us write letters today,but i shall write to my mortal and then hope she dun dump me lor.And oso send mortal flowers for c&d nite.
14 wishes,for when i turn 14 this year on october 30.haha not exactly.
Monday, December 31, 2007
{ freed on
9:15 AM
and now im gonna go to other blogs and wish them happy new year even tho its too early but then i have cca in an hour.and ppl better be nice and wish me back.just kidding(:
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9:11 AM
anyone going vivo?
for that countdown thingy?
i think its kinda cool
like screaming with a bunch of ppl
but then i cant stand crowds
so its just me and the tv
and this is for all the ppl living in boon lay/jurong
theres a countdown party at boon lay place actually
near the police post and boon lay shopping centre
and i'll be there
with nymd
performing tonite
kinda nervous but not really
and actually i do think its kinda embarrassing
but shld be fun
1st performance xD
{ freed on
9:05 AM
turns out that wasnt the last postof 2007.
this is.
so happy new year peeps.
tho actually peeps means cats infected with a certain parasiteenjoy the last last few days of 2007
went to the plaza for dinner
as usual
went round and round to find the damn carpark
and i swear nv to eat buffet again
or at least with control
im getting sick of chocolate fondues
cos its way too chocolatey
and im getting a sugar rush
and the mini cakes in a cup are so so prettty
jf nxt yr i guess
and basically
all i ate was desert
cos their so cute and pretty and appealing
Saturday, December 29, 2007
{ freed on
11:07 AM
this is probably the last post of the year.
so heres wishing everyone a be-earlied happy new year(:
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10:59 AM
ytd went bugis with seniors to buy stuff.
and the funniest thing happened
cos it ended late
so we were in a rush of time cos we got cca
and 170 just nv came
not that we cld fund the busstop
but nvm
so we took a taxi
which was stl very much worth it
cos 5 ppl sharing mah
at least no need to wait then cram into a bus
tho the taxi was very much crammed
so we told the driver nygh
and his not sure where nygh is exactly but then he knows its in bukit timah
so we drove and drove and drove
and he u-turned at the junction to turn in to nygh
then he saw the building of nygh
and probably recognised it
so he said
"oh!u mean nanyang boy's school rite?"
smart aleck
Thursday, December 27, 2007
{ freed on
3:29 PM
how can nygh be so unfair?
when we are sec 1s
everyone complains abt the clsrms at 4th level
i mean,
sec 1 clsrms are near nowhere
with the exception of the com labs
but whatever
and we are envy sec 2s cos their clsrms are a stone's throw away frm places like canteen and popular
and now
we are going to be sec 2s
and where are our clsrms?
at some loser place in level3
and not even arranged properly cos 201 ends up nxt to 203
and god knows where 202 is
not that they want to be beside 201
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
{ freed on
5:50 PM
im starting to even like xing guang er ban
but never as much as xing guang yi ban
but its starting to get interesting
i like the pk
cos i dun like the tong xue and like watching them being tao tai
i realised there is a love story
so things got interesting
cos meizhen and yuming are a couple
BUTtheres sth even nicer!*if ur a fan if xing guang bang u better wished you scrolled down
or maybe notxing guang bang 3 is starting!
First stop=singapore the tiny red dot
then they are going to japan and LA
even tho i doubt agp has truly gr8 singers but then
los angeles?
how can you possibly miss that
i didnt even get paid to advertise
bet they regretted
or maybe not
{ freed on
9:41 AM
i met my jnr at raffles city ytd.
at first i didnt even recognise him
but he recognised me
and obviously he didnt want me to see him
so he stuck his head up
as in face parallel to ceiling
anddd he...
stumbled and fell
no,really thats what happened
but he didnt really like fall onto the ground
managed to steady himself just in time
how ironical
and i didnt bother trying to make it less embarrassing for him
i just plain out laffed
wad a nice snr i am
{ freed on
8:57 AM
if ur bored at home and want to go out to watch a movie,
go watch
i am legend
cos it seriously sucks
look at the title
so ego
and its just a one-man-soliloquy
cos they cant afford to have other leads
and the movie is just so mediocre that it sucks
"ppl who turn into zombies
and cannot see the sun"
not the most interesting storyline
such a cliche
yeah the cancer idea is cool
but the rest of the storyline is either
cliche or absurd
so ppl say the golden compass is anti-christ?
guess what?
this is too
you shld have heard will smith slagging god at the end
im sure anyone can have a better time watching
alvin and the chipmunks;
the golden compass
which reminds me that i havent watch the golden compass yet
i wld nv want to miss it
i dont care if its crap
i watch all fantasy
and then i make up my mind abt what sucks and wad is nice
sogolden compass,anyone?
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
{ freed on
12:38 PM
with the exception of yours truly
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12:33 PM
i dunno why but im in love with the cello
dun really like violin cos the pitch is too high
but the cello is just nice
just too big
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12:30 PM
I'm holding on your rope,
Got me ten feet off the ground
I'm hearin what you say
but I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down,
but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around,
and say...
It's too late to apologize,
it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize,
it's too late
I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothin new
I loved you with a fire red-
Now it's turning blue, and you say...
like the angel heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid...
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize,
it's too late
Bridge (guitar/piano)
It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late
It's too late to apologize, yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah-
I'm holdin on your rope,
got me ten feet off the ground...
Monday, December 17, 2007
{ freed on
12:09 PM
i got a
CHRISTMAS TREE!(:so happy(;
cos my parents nv buy a xmas tree for xmas
but now they did!
even tho i know some ppl had xmas tree since they were babies
but then nvm
cos we are not christians or anything
but at least we still celebrate christmas
christmas is definitely the nicest holiday
~santa claus is coming to town~
Friday, December 14, 2007
{ freed on
4:13 PM
and oso at the library we were supposed to write on these balls that will be released on new year at marina bay so me and yj we wrote 201'08
if the wishes on the ball really come true
then we will be a more bonded class
{ freed on
4:00 PM
i shall proclaim my love to the world
xing guang bang
who doesnt?
went out with y today to watch alvin and the chipmunks !xD
so cute
especially theodore
even tho i think he's the ugliest in advertisement]
but he is so damn cute
and once again
we sat in the wrong seat
actually is me lah
cos i took the tix but nv actually look at it
and i told y sit anywhere
cos we were kinda late and i didnt think anyone wld be later
and of course,
we are eating outside food in the cinema
and the security guard is just behind us
but he didnt care
guess he's too obsessed with the movie too(:
and then we went library
saw siti
sat on the table and talked for a while
went out and 2 girls started promoting to us sth abt a church lunch
quite tempted to go
but its on cca day
so cannot go
absolutely no ponning of cca
thats a rule
my rule
and they talked to us abt christianity
and one girl told us shes sec 4
and shes shorter than me
very nan de
some one sho's older
and shorter :D
i stl got hope de!
and then went to popular
when we saw the love of our lives
the much coveted xing guang bang CD
There will nv be another better kinda grp thing
besides kuai le bang
but then in kuai le bang only 1 person was even cute
and xing guang bang can sing damn well
and they got 2 CDS
got MV somemore
worth it
i want it for my christmas prezzie!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
{ freed on
3:38 PM
dont assume
dont assume that i love my___
dont assume that i have a great time
dont assume that u are good enuff to be here
to him,no one is
im not
and i nv will be
and the worst part is that i have no one to complain to
cos naturally everyone says
"i thot u love ur ___"
guess wad?
sometimes i really dont
the pressure
the great no of ppl crying
all the hardwork,
cos ur not gd enuff
ur nv gd enuff
i know im a lost case
but then i wont give in
i will put in sweat,effort and energy
but nv tears
cos i promise i will nv break down
{ freed on
3:16 PM
im beginning to hate dramas now
bu then what else do i have to do?
ok theres tons of maths hmwk
but then i still have 2 wks
will do
at the eleventh hour
and ALL dramas wil eventually suck
i super hou hui i even watched romantic princess
it gets boringer and boringer
and the storyline too cliched le
but then i start and cannot stop
so i shall complain to everyone whom i said romantic princess was nice too
it is NOT nice
and then
no nice dramas le
some are ok
but eventually u get bored
and dun want to continue watching
and ur life gets boring
and u die of boredom
what a wonderful life
{ freed on
3:03 PM
i have a boring life
and my life sucks when its not boring
and the whole reason is cos its holidays
holidays seriously suck
but what sucks even more is new year eve
i have just had enuff
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
{ freed on
3:21 PM
today i took bus with a super lan bus driver driving.
so the bus journey took arnd twice the usual time needed
everytime at every bloody bus stop with ppl (note:i said ppl,NOT ppl who wanna board the bus) he wld stop,open the door,looklooklook see if got ppl wanna get on
and most of the time ,ppl DO NOT wanna get on
and oso everytime he wld stop even when traffic light is green
then pause for 2 secs,
make sure light nv change to red,]
then continue driving
wad kind of driver liddat one?
green light =go
but to the driver,
all lights =pause and wait
i hate bad drivers
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
{ freed on
1:43 PM
ya lah i got drama disease and my life is so boring.
there you go.
Monday, December 10, 2007
{ freed on
4:33 PM
NEWSFLASHI dont speak french and i dont do ballet.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
{ freed on
10:16 AM
i just realised theres another cls gathering
do i want to go?
cos i thot cls gathering was over and iceskated
am i seriously interested at looking at ppl iceskate?
can i afford to pon cca?
no fucking way
i am so not going to pon cca
and i've ardy seen who i want to see
so am i going to go?
{ freed on
10:06 AM
my life is so boring and unbloggable
and i wld so much rather watch dramas
ok nvm
went bowling ytd!(:
and i realised i seriously sucked
my dad got arnd 110 for first game which is the highest
and my mom got 90-sth for 2nd game which is the highest
the at least my cousin sucked like shit oso
so i must have inherited his genes of cannot throw a bowling ball properly
but the bowling place very nice
chao near my hse de
atmosphere very gd
but balls are sucky
cos i cant find my size 9 balls!T.T
size 9 is the best size for me
tho size 10 oso can la
but for anything smaller than size 9,
i cant stick my finger in
that means my fingers are fat
cos even my mom uses a size 8 ball
and i guess im going there again with my fren
cos student package very cheap
-the end of a very boring life-
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
{ freed on
9:03 AM
i realised i missed out on a lot of nice nice movies
never thot it was nice so nv thot of watching but everyone says its nice
only thot abt watching it when theres no more showing
3.bee movie-
someone asked me to watch but then i thot its a lame movie so i didnt
but its supposed to be retarded and fun!
i cldnt find time to watch this T.T
5.alvin and the chipmunks-
kawaii!so pls someone watch with me
6.the golden compass-
same directors as lord of the rings <3 size="5">so everyone be nice ok?and ask me to watch any of the above movies.
so everyone be nice and ask me to watch movie with you ok?-THIS IS A COMMAND-im a very nice de movie companion
i wont steal popcorn frm you(:
Monday, December 3, 2007
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1:02 PM
{ freed on
12:57 PM
since romantic princess 12 is not uploaded,i watched xing guang da dao(:
i will miss 一班when it ends
except it alrdy ended only cos singapore tv is so slow lor
but i dun really like yoga
i mean,yeah his voice is nice but he looks chao欠揍
but i like all the other final contestants
peter pan/周定rain shld win
they are so much
hawterok i know im being superficial
but they can sing just as well
dance better/cuter
and they actually want to donate the $$ instead of using it to buy a hse
Friday, November 30, 2007
{ freed on
10:37 AM
raindrops on roses and girls in white dresses
its sleeping with roaches and taking best guesses
and a few more of ur least favourite things
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10:34 AM
and the key is
to smile,not laff
comment,not talk
and of course,
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9:59 AM
You are 67% Virgo |
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9:05 AM
rmb wad i said abt being fickle
so i changed my mind abt things
my favourite sign is now virgo!maybe not favourite
2nd favourite.i stl like scorpio better
and the irony is that i havent met a virgo
maybe i did,but just didnt ask for their sign
and i have no idea why i suddenly like virgo
maybe i do and i know a lot of ppl say virgo de xing ge bu hao
leo ososo i dunno why i like them
ryro and it can he de lai with all the signs i want it to he de lai with
scorpio oso,thats why they are gd signs(:
and cos earth and water signs are very gd
cos all of the earth and water signs ppl are all those very nice ppl